U10 Boys Interlock

1Buckners Source for sports - U10B - DSC12120086196736
2Black - U10B - LSC12101169274231
3Martys Heating - U10B - PSC12100256243230
4Lions International - U10B - LSC1291257411628
5Yellow - U10B - LSC1271443271622
6Wergers Delicatessen - U10B - DSC1263352331921
7Chris Best Construction - U10B - DSC126153536-119
8Portage Mutual - U10B - PSC125254539617
9Startile - U10B - PSC125164845316
10Avertex - U10B - WL124083658-2212
11Champagne - U10B - LSC123273041-1111
12Smile Dentistry - U10B - PSC123273852-1411
13Watering Can - U10B - LSC123274055-1511
14Service Master - U10B - WL123183352-1910
15Meesters Insurance - U10B - WL1210112881-533
16DJB - U10B - WL1201111985-661

There have been no games in the past 10 days

No games are scheduled in the next 10 days

1Name Withheld by LeagueBuckners Source for sports - U10B - DSC86
2Name Withheld by LeagueWergers Delicatessen - U10B - DSC52
3Name Withheld by LeagueLions International - U10B - LSC44
4Name Withheld by LeagueSmile Dentistry - U10B - PSC38
5Name Withheld by LeagueChris Best Construction - U10B - DSC35
6Name Withheld by LeagueMartys Heating - U10B - PSC33
7Name Withheld by LeagueAvertex - U10B - WL26
8Name Withheld by LeaguePortage Mutual - U10B - PSC26
9Name Withheld by LeagueBlack - U10B - LSC26
10Name Withheld by LeagueChampagne - U10B - LSC19

#PlayerTeam NameShutouts
1Name Withheld by LeagueBuckners Source for sports - U10B - DSC4
2Name Withheld by LeagueWergers Delicatessen - U10B - DSC3
3Name Withheld by LeagueChampagne - U10B - LSC2
4Name Withheld by LeagueBlack - U10B - LSC2
5Name Withheld by LeagueYellow - U10B - LSC1
6Name Withheld by LeagueWatering Can - U10B - LSC1
7Name Withheld by LeagueChampagne - U10B - LSC1
8Name Withheld by LeagueMartys Heating - U10B - PSC1
9Name Withheld by LeagueMartys Heating - U10B - PSC1
10Name Withheld by LeagueBlack - U10B - LSC1
11Name Withheld by LeagueStartile - U10B - PSC1

Click game scores for details.
Click on divisions for standings.

U8 Boys Lincoln/West Lincoln
Sermasu8bwl4 - 2 Bevislu8bwl
Outdou8blsc4 - 3 Jerauu8blsc
Onagu8bwl9 - 2 Homhau8bwl
Jusdgu8blsc1 - 6 Chamu8blsc
Lingau8blsc3 - 3 AccstRU8BLSC
Sicrvu8bwl2 - 4 JulswPU8BLSC
Blueu8blsc2 - 4 Accstbu8blsc

U10 Boys Interlock
DJBU10BWL0 - 6 Chamu10blsc
Cbconu10bdsc1 - 2 Yellu10blsc

U12 Boys Interlock
Nablu12blsc4 - 4 Dulmu12bdsc
Tawu12bgsc4 - 0 Turluu12bdsc
Averu12bwl5 - 1 Pomuu12bpsc
Jdeu12bgsc3 - 3 Grgymu12bgsc
Drjou12bdsc5 - 2 TLCBU12BGSC
Liftvu12bpsc1 - 12 Limeu12blsc

U14 Boys Interlock
Degaru14bdsc4 - 5 Neampu14bdsc
Blku14bfe5 - 1 Tailu14bwsc

U19 Boys Interlock
Aapu19bwsc2 - 9 Woodsu19bwl
Navyu19blsc4 - 2 Calvu19bgsc
RoyCdU19BGSC5 - 2 ClubRoU19

U8 Girls Lincoln/West Lincoln
Tealu8glsc5 - 3 Lingau8glsc
Jerauu8glsc0 - 1 Yellou8glsc
Sicrvu8gwl3 - 2 Remaxu8gwl
Outdou8glsc5 - 0 Julswau8glsc
Stocau8gwl7 - 3 Niapau8gwl

U10 Girls Interlock
Yellu10glsc2 - 2 CanTu10gdsc
Tucku10gpsc6 - 1 Stanpu10gwl
Juspuu10glsc3 - 1 Tebu10gpsc
Millwu10gwl3 - 1 Dopizu10gdsc
Alaphu10gds2 - 2 Jusgru10glsc

U12 Girls Interlock
Erpo12ggsc8 - 4 GREENU12GLSC
Rynu12gpsc2 - 3 Stmuu12gpsc
StcuU12GWL2 - 2 Mayu12ggsc
Juspku12glsc3 - 3 Jodeeu12ggsc
Ligblu12ggsc0 - 2 Duinsu12gdsc

U14 Girls Interlock
Redu14glsc1 - 9 Rufpu14gdsc
Smdu14gwl3 - 9 Brgolu14gpsc
kitste12ggsc8 - 3 Dangu14gwsc
Yellou14glsc6 - 1 Zdenu14ggsc

U19 Girls Interlock
Limgu19glsc12 - 0 Tailu19gwsc
Zwtu19gwl2 - 2 Redu19glsc
Calvau19ggsc3 - 2 Smcu19gwl


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